World View

A view to those out in the world into our life.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Waiting on Blue...

That is right. Our relatives, Lee and Sonya Marlin, have decided to name their soon to be baby boy "Blue". Since their last name is Marlin, that will be really cool to call him "Blue Marlin". I bet he will be a really awesome B.A.S.S. Pro fisherman or something.

They were keeping it a secret until I cracked the code. Late last night, while I was up on call at the hospital, I started reading through their last few blogs and realized they had left us all a clue as to his name. I guess you could call those clues "Blue's Clues".

Cindy and I are really excited to meet our new nephew Blue, whenever he is born. We haven't figured out his middle name yet, but I bet it is a Chinese name since their favorite food is Chinese, which they always eat. We are thinking it might be "Lo Mein", or "PF Chang", or "Samurai". I guess until it is officially on the Arkansas Birth Certificate, they have a chance to change it to prove me wrong.

See you all in Little Rock this weekend.
jlo Posted by Picasa


  • At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You are such a great detective, Dr. J! Got a kick out of your deductive reasoning. See you Sat. K.

  • At 11:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You are wrong for posting that picture. I will have my revenge. mmmhaahahahahahahmmmmahahhaa!!!!


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