Finally asleep
Somebody in the nursery forgot to tell Oaklee that she is supposed to sleep from midnight to 7am, not want to be fed, held, and of all things she is not supposed to cry during those hours. Well, she did. Cindy was a trooper and stayed up most of the night. I did help when I could, but since I can't produce milk I was limited in what I could do. Cindy and Oaklee are both now asleep.
For all of you moms who have breast fed, how many dirty diapers should we expect in the first few days. So far she has just had one a day and seems to be feeding well. Cindy's milk has not come down yet, but she is getting colostrum. Her little tummy if full of gas so we got the infant simethicone (Mylanta) this morning. I don't know if it was the tight swaddle, the swing, the simethicone, or all but she is asleep. Thanks for any advice you mom's (or dads) can offer.
For all of you moms who have breast fed, how many dirty diapers should we expect in the first few days. So far she has just had one a day and seems to be feeding well. Cindy's milk has not come down yet, but she is getting colostrum. Her little tummy if full of gas so we got the infant simethicone (Mylanta) this morning. I don't know if it was the tight swaddle, the swing, the simethicone, or all but she is asleep. Thanks for any advice you mom's (or dads) can offer.
At 8:51 AM,
Sonya said…
Here are some routine questions you can ask when Oaklee begins crying...(Which I'm sure you do already, but I'm just trying to be a helpful auntie here.) Is it time to eat (hunger) Does she need a diaper change (discomfort) Has she been in the same position without a change of scenery for a while (boredom) Has she been up for more than thirty minutes (tired) Has she had lots of company or has there been a lot of activity in your house (overstimulated) Is she grimacing or pulling her legs up (gas) Is she crying inconsolably during or as much as an hour after feeds (reflux) Is she spitting up (reflux) Is her room too hot or cold or is she under/overdressed (body temp) These are all recommended questions from the "Baby Whisperer."
At 9:00 AM,
Wendi Cupp said…
So glad that breasfeeding is going well. Cole was born on a Monday like Oaklee and my milk came in on I'm sure yours will be in soon!! As far as dirty diapers go, I remember a nurse saying that by day four , a baby who is getting 8-12 feedings/day should have around 6 wet and 4 dirty. Of course every baby is going to be a little different though. I noticed in the picture of your nursery that Cole and Oaklee have the same is wonderful and Cole falls asleep in it pretty much every time he's in it. :) I'm so looking forward to meeting the little beauty...I'll continue to pray as these next few days go by and everything is new. It is such an exciting time, but there are also those moments when you might want to pull your hair out from lack of sleep. Feel free to email or call if you need anything. Hugs to you guys...Wendi
At 9:26 AM,
sillysmiths said…
I echo the comment about every baby being different. The experts say that a baby should have a certain number of dirty diapers a day, by this time, but none of my babies EVER had 4 dirty diapers in one day unless they were sick. Corban went 7 days one time when he was about a month old. I was really worried. Both Finley and Piper have gone a week or so without a BM (when they were little). Eventually the pediatrician may recommend an infant suppository but that would be after 7 days without a BM. With Piper the ped stretched her anus at her first week appointment because she thought she may be too tight. Right now, try not to stress; be her daddy NOT her doctor!! Once my babies started eating solids they began having more regular BMs but not until then. Piper is still on a couple of days to once a week schedule with her poops. She is now 4 months old. I hope this is helpful and not more stressful. You guys are doing GREAT!!! She is so blessed to have parents that love the Lord and her, so very much.
At 6:01 PM,
Sarah said…
Dr. Jackson told me it is normal for a breast fed baby to go 5 days without pooping. As long as she has wet diapers she is getting something. Swaddle her tight. It's OK to let her cry. You should read Baby Wise. It gives a great guideline to what a baby's schedule should be like so you are in control and not her. Have fun. Before you know it she'll be feeding herself and putting herself to bed.
At 2:36 PM,
Heidi said…
I also appreciated Baby Wise, it was very straightforward, and that's exactly what I wanted. (not everyone does) Owen had a BM almost every time he ate....but I think that was after my milk had come in. He was just a big pooper. HA! Owen was also VERY gassy (we used the infant drops as often as was recommended)and often times had a hard time falling asleep as a result. Usually if he was crying a lot we would pick him up, burp him and he'd be fine. Other times, if it was really bad and we were SO tired we'd let him sleep on his tummy on one of our chests as we reclined on the couch...we worried about setting a 'bad habbit' but anything during those first 3 months is purely for survival! :-)
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