In Labor
We are still in labor. Cindy's contractions are getting stronger. The doctor broke her water around noon. She was still not dilated a lot, so you can be praying her cervix would dilate quickly and we would have a baby soon. She is doing well. Thanks for your prayers.
At 2:29 PM,
Unknown said…
We're praying for you guys and so excited for you!!!!
Ro and Leah
At 3:14 PM,
Amy said…
Jason & Cindy-
Dunn, Andy and I have you in our prayers today. Praying for God's peace and guidance through it all.
Amy Daniel
At 3:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
And Sarah and I join with everyone as well on praying for you guys. We're anxious to hear how things have been going!
At 3:55 PM,
Jules said…
Jason & CK
Wow, the time's really come... I so appreciate the updates, it makes me feel a part of things with you guys even from over 'here'! You will continue to be in my prayers in the next few hours. I can't wait to hear more good news.
Love you - jules
At 3:56 PM,
Chris and Lindsey Wheeler said…
Cindy and Jason,
I am praying!! I am celebrating with you from Franklin, TN!! Can't wait to see her sweet face...she is going to be beautiful!
Love ya'll,
Lindsey Wheeler
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