Las Bisabuelas
The above photos are Oaklee with her great grandmothers.
She did well during the day yesterday but was once again up most of the night last night. Cindy was up feeding her about every hour, maybe an indication that her milk is about to come in? We were both exhausted last night and went to bed at 8:30. I slept until about 2 and have been up mostly since then. We are going to have to work on her schedule. The ladies from our church have organized a few meals for us which is much appreciated. So far we have had Mexican Casserole (Mamaw and Papaw), General Tsao's Chicken (Ryan and Rachel), and Meat loaf with fixen's (Caroleen). Thanks for the meals. They have been wonderful and very helpful.
In other news, it is very cold outside this morning - 46 degrees, with a high today of 84. These make the perfect combination to produce vibrant fall colors...if the nights will stay cool and the days stay warm. Here is a good article explaining the process.
At 8:18 AM,
Lindsey said…
I can't believe how alert Miss Oaklee is. I can't wait to hold her! I noticed that she has had her pacificer a lot....don't you just love them! We love you guys so much.
At 9:32 AM,
Sarah said…
My guess is if Oaklee is nursing every hour she's not getting a good feeding and probably using Cindy as a pacifier. Keep her awake and make sure she nursing for 30 minutes then you can all get better sleep! (sometimes you have to be a little bit mean and use cold wash cloths or strip her down to her diaper and lay her on the hard floor to wake her up)
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