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At 9:12 AM,
Linds said…
That's an AWESOME pic. Good composition. It also helps that your baby is ADORABLE!
At 11:37 AM,
sillysmiths said… I highly recommend this cover. I use mine all the time! I only wish I would have gotten it three years ago when I had Corban.
At 11:38 AM,
sillysmiths said…
that sounds like I still nurse Corban and that is NOT the case!! Obviously I use it with Piper!
At 3:46 PM,
Amy said…
Too cute!
At 2:18 PM,
Chris and Lindsey Wheeler said…
Wow! Seeing you with your precious baby makes me smile so much!! Ya'll are such a beautiful family....and I love hearing your love for her. I am praying for you friend!! You are an incredible mom....she is so blessed to have you. I can't wait until I get to hold her!!! When is the next time ya'll will be in LR...Chris and I will be there for Thanksgiving!! Love you so much!!! Keep praying...we think we might be headed to Guatemala this weekend. We are on a wild journey right now!!
Love you so much, Lindsey
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