World View

A view to those out in the world into our life.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

OK, so I am a LITTLE redneck

It is snowing outside. There are a few parking lots and streets behind my house with freshly covered icy roads with snow on top. NO CARS are to be seen. What does any redneck worth his salt do? He loads up his wife in his 4x4 and cuts a few donuts. Bo and Luke Duke would be proud =).


  • At 7:02 AM, Blogger Virginia said…

    sounds like a blast! :)


  • At 4:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    "Just Some Good Ol' Boys...(dunka dunk, dunka dunk)...never meanin' no harm (dunka dunk dunka dunk) all ya ever saw, got in trouble with that law since the day they'z born! Makin' their way....the only way they know how...."

    ...yah, you know the rest.-Shelli


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