our philosopher
here she is pondering the meaning of life... or maybe just when her next meal was going to be. it was a good close-up of her, even though her pretty blue eyes are closed. i still don't think we've gotten a pic of her that just really captures 'her', so i'll work on it and will post it as soon as we do.
At 1:13 PM,
Linds said…
She has such cute lips... so sweet.
Cindy-- thanks for the comments on my blog. It is definitely good to have the second half home with me. We are out visiting family and friends before our vacation with just us 2... thanks for all of the prayers. We're praying for you guys as you adjust to a little one :)
At 1:31 PM,
sillysmiths said…
thank you for posting pictures so frequently! she is adorable. I know you guys are enjoying every minute of it.
At 4:10 PM,
Stu said…
Guys, she's BEAUTIFUL! Oh, and I miss you guys too I guess....
At 10:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
Good to hear from you too. Great Zen pose by the kiddo, BTY. I get tidbits of what's up in your world through Jenn. Hard to believe so much life has happened since that week at Ute Trail:)
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