So last Saturday, we went to see Michael Buble in concert in LR, and while he was great & all, we LOVED the group that opened for them. A group called Naturally 7 out of NYC, a 7-man a capella group that can all make their voices sound like REAL instruments. Jason & I were constantly looking over at each other and mouthing, "Wow, this is awesome!" This group is also Christian, which makes us like them even more! They had an incredible sound. We think our favorite out of the bunch was Hops, who can sound just like a bass guitar. This guy can go loooowwwww. Who says you need actual instruments to have a band anyway? Just watch...
At 7:21 PM,
John Nelson said…
That IS amazing! I have an album of Bobby McFerrin (Don't Worry Be Happy dude) where he sings the violin part of several classical pieces. Not exactly trying to sound like a violin, but it's really amazing and beautiful. Who would've guessed the Don't Worry Be Happy guy had style and interest in the classics?
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