Que piensas?
I believe that the Lofton Casa is in need of a new post, so here are some thoughts and observations that I would like to make tonight...
*Lighting a candle has the power to immediately calm someone down.
*Opening a new bottle of wine just for yourself is quite a thrill. You think, "wow, i am really special."
*Making mix cds for people is a form of worship for me. It's one of those small ways that my heart comes alive, even for a moment.
*Chocolate cake is a gift from God.
*It is very hard to tell when a soy veggie burger is done in the middle. Is it supposed to be gooey at all? It never changes color, so I just don't know. Any expert veggie burger cookers out there?
*Rearranging furniture is really exhilirating. If I moved something around every day, I think I would be in a constant state of exhiliration in my home.
*Jason is amazing. He has worked from 5p-7a for the past 2 weeks, and is now on an unplanned 24-hour shift to cover for someone else, and continues to take it all in stride and with a smile on his face. Oh how I love him.
*I wonder how many important documents I would destroy if I burned every pile of stuff in our house...hmmm...tempting, but I don't think I'll take my frustration out to that extreme...yet.
*I am so excited for fall, my absolute favorite season of the year. So many good things coming our way...stunning leaf colors, razorback football, crisp, de-humidified air, pumpkins (one of my favorite words in the english language, you can't help but smile after saying it), fall-scented candles, pumpkin spice lattes at Starbucks, and, oh yes, the best smell in the world- wood smoke/ leaves burning outside. The world stands still when my nose catches a drift of wood smoke somewhere outside...oh so good.
*If you've happened to notice a particularly handsome soccer dad driving around town in a hot minivan, don't be fooled- It's actually Jason! He does look hot when he's behind the wheel, I must admit. It is our 'transition' car on loan from his gracious grandparents until we find a new one. It's proving to be a good motivation to find a new one.
*A healthy body with all ligaments and bones intact and in working order is really something to be thankful for. Like, really. My ACL-less knee is reminding me of that every day. Surgery is imminent sometime late october-ish.
*If we scored a touchdown for every time i yawned last night at the USC/ AR game, those 'Beat USC!' t-shirts could actually have been a collector's item.
*There is nothing like the peace and stillness of the night. Cool breeze, grasshoppers, moon shining through the window, 'harvest spice' candle burning, itunes worship playlist playing, suzie tickling my feet w/ her head (since my hands are occupied on the keyboard) in a feeble attempt to get petted, sipping on ronnie's merlot..life is good.
La vita e bella.
*Lighting a candle has the power to immediately calm someone down.
*Opening a new bottle of wine just for yourself is quite a thrill. You think, "wow, i am really special."
*Making mix cds for people is a form of worship for me. It's one of those small ways that my heart comes alive, even for a moment.
*Chocolate cake is a gift from God.
*It is very hard to tell when a soy veggie burger is done in the middle. Is it supposed to be gooey at all? It never changes color, so I just don't know. Any expert veggie burger cookers out there?
*Rearranging furniture is really exhilirating. If I moved something around every day, I think I would be in a constant state of exhiliration in my home.
*Jason is amazing. He has worked from 5p-7a for the past 2 weeks, and is now on an unplanned 24-hour shift to cover for someone else, and continues to take it all in stride and with a smile on his face. Oh how I love him.
*I wonder how many important documents I would destroy if I burned every pile of stuff in our house...hmmm...tempting, but I don't think I'll take my frustration out to that extreme...yet.
*I am so excited for fall, my absolute favorite season of the year. So many good things coming our way...stunning leaf colors, razorback football, crisp, de-humidified air, pumpkins (one of my favorite words in the english language, you can't help but smile after saying it), fall-scented candles, pumpkin spice lattes at Starbucks, and, oh yes, the best smell in the world- wood smoke/ leaves burning outside. The world stands still when my nose catches a drift of wood smoke somewhere outside...oh so good.
*If you've happened to notice a particularly handsome soccer dad driving around town in a hot minivan, don't be fooled- It's actually Jason! He does look hot when he's behind the wheel, I must admit. It is our 'transition' car on loan from his gracious grandparents until we find a new one. It's proving to be a good motivation to find a new one.
*A healthy body with all ligaments and bones intact and in working order is really something to be thankful for. Like, really. My ACL-less knee is reminding me of that every day. Surgery is imminent sometime late october-ish.
*If we scored a touchdown for every time i yawned last night at the USC/ AR game, those 'Beat USC!' t-shirts could actually have been a collector's item.
*There is nothing like the peace and stillness of the night. Cool breeze, grasshoppers, moon shining through the window, 'harvest spice' candle burning, itunes worship playlist playing, suzie tickling my feet w/ her head (since my hands are occupied on the keyboard) in a feeble attempt to get petted, sipping on ronnie's merlot..life is good.
La vita e bella.
At 11:28 PM,
John Nelson said…
That wood/burning leaf smell is so perfectly carried in that crisp, de-humidified air, isn't it? That's one of my favorite smells, too. Trailing just shy of the outdoors after a good Spring rain and the smell of freshly cut grass.
And there is certainly something dreamy about a man in a minivan...at least, that's what I tell myself everytime I jump into mine.
At 11:36 PM,
Polly said…
cindy- it was great to get inside your head again for a bit- thanks for sharing!
i don't know what you're talking about de-humidified air...mu-ahahaha- for those of us who have been enlightened and moved out west- we have been enjoying de-humidified air spiced with wood smoke all summer, all year for that matter as we can go camping all the time!! :) j/k- but oh how i do love the west!
this is my last night shift- oh god how thankful i am! i might actually be a real woman again! hope starbucks is treating you well- i must admit, those pumpkin (smile) spiced lattes have me hooked!!
At 11:46 PM,
jlo said…
Lets see....
I think the "piles of important stuff" comment was aimed at me and yes I do want to get rid of it and I will, just PLEASE don't even move it because I know I will miss something, I just don't know what.
You forgot one thing for the fall: Krispy Kreme's Pumpkin Spiced Donut. Thanks to Lindsey and Jaime for that one.
I am thankful to be on days again. For those of you who have a day job, be thankful for it. It is such a blessing to wake up in the morning and spend time with God. I have found it very difficult while on nights. I really miss that time and am looking forward to the cool crisp mornings.
At 12:44 AM,
Cindy Lofton said…
what prompt responses! nelson- i appreciate your affirmation of the woodsmoke and the minivan coolness. :-)
polly- we need a phone date soon! so gla dyou're not on nights anymore. praise the Lord. i am jealous of your constant woodsmoke-spiced-de-humifidifed-air. could you bottle me up some and send it to me?
jlo- i just caught her in the act: aka- suzie sleeping on the couch. how many times do we have to tell her she's not a human?! and don't owrry, the piles will be left exaclty as they have been the past 4 months. :-)
At 9:44 AM,
Sonya said…
We've had Maggie for quite a while now, and she is definitely convinced she is human...AND three times smaller than she actually is. I guess it doesn't help that we like it when she sleeps with us in bed!
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