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At 8:25 AM,
Virginia said…
Happy Birthday!!!! We miss you guys! Yeah, i vote for the haircut. :)
At 8:45 AM,
jlo said…
That picture was taken to make Cindy laugh. I didn't mean for it to get on the World Wide Web! I guess it is now and everybody gets to see the Cowboy in me. Funny thing is, no one would think twice of this here, minus the wife beater...
At 9:24 AM,
Brett said…
I vote yes for the 'stache AND the wife beater.
The cowboy hat is simply up to you.
At 1:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday Jason!!!! My vote would have to yes as well...simply b/c I think that is something I might pay to see, haha!
Have a wonderful birthday!!! :)
At 2:48 PM,
Linds said…
Yes... please do it... and post more pics.
Cindy, how are you? email me sometime soon!!!
At 6:17 PM,
Polly said…
yes to all the above
At 7:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
Yes, my vote is most definitely YES!!
At 9:41 AM,
Unknown said…
I have to vote yes as well. Happy Birthday from the Englishes!!!! Can't wait to see the updated pic. I am sure we can find two more votes!! :)
At 10:15 PM,
Lindsey said…
I have to vote one big NO. Sorry, I'm just thinking about your daughter looking back to the day she was born and seeing her dad looking like that.
At 11:18 PM,
The Gallaghers said…
Jason, I feel like the biggest loser to have missed your birthday. In my mind your birthday is just right around the corner. I don't know how I missed this. I have got to get that list of b-days cindy just finished all added to my calendar. I gotta make this up to you. So sorry I missed this.
Happy very late.
At 8:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
sport the 'stache, with no wife beater and no shirt. It might make a few gals stumble, but GQ might come callin'.
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