Sleeping through the night: fact or fiction?
Calling all moms again! I am needing tips or advice for getting Oaklee to sleep through the night. Here is our present situation: She is 5 months old. For the past week or so, I've been feeding her and then putting her down around 8p. She usually goes straight to sleep, and will sleep solid until anywhere from 1a-3a. Then she will wake up, either out of habit or b/c she's hungry, and she has not been able to go back to sleep on her own after that. She cried off & on for 2 hours one night, I was half asleep and had a pillow over my head, but I finally got up and fed her, I think. It's all kind of a blur now. But 2 hours is too long for her to try to cry herself to sleep. So the past few nights, I've gotten up with her and either fed her or rocked her back to sleep. But I am SO READY for a full night's sleep myself that I really need some help from other moms. I know every baby is different, and she may not quite be ready to sleep all the way through, and that's ok. I know it's coming, at least. But if any of you moms out there have any advice, I would appreciate it! I am learning to function with less sleep than I've ever had before, and I'm getting better, I think. At least I'm being more nice to Jason than I was before. :-) (I usually take my crankiness out on him) Anyway, please help!
At 9:20 AM,
Jaime said…
Hi, Cindy. It's Jai (Jaime Miller's mom)! I have soo enjoyed following Oakley through your blog. She is really a beautiful baby! I had to smile when you said you weren't really sure what happened last night. I can remember those nights with new ones! Just a thought....if you are feeding her at 8 and then she is awake again at 2-3 o'clock , she's probably just hungry. It has been 6 hours since she last ate, so that is probably what it is. You might try nursing her before you go to bed and see how that works. I know you'll have to wake her up, but your perspective might change when she's sleeping 6 hours straight from the time you and Jason go to bed. Just a thought! Take care and just remember about the time you get this figured out there will be something else.....but it is sooo worth it!
Grammy Jai (that's what her cousin Parker calls me)
At 7:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
I've found that the clothes dryer works very well and you can get caught up on laundry at the same time.
Lee "Maytag" Marlin
At 8:26 PM,
mbl said…
Let me just say that I was encouraged by your post--not really glad that you have to get up in the night, but glad that I'm not the only one!! haa. Owen is almost 8 months old and goes to bed at 8 and usually wakes up around 1am or so, nurses, and goes right back to sleep til 8am. I am okay with nursing him since he goes right back to sleep. I want to start letting him cry 10-15 minutes then comforting him, cry 10 more then comfort, 10 more then comfort and then hopefully sleep. This is annoying, but might help in the long run. Right now it's torture though if I don't nurse him. I could offer a bottle of water, but sometimes I think he might really be hungry. All that to say, I have no great idea---but I'm feeling your pain! Marla
At 7:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
Love the pic! Super cute. I know that is beside the point, but wanted to let you know! Anywho...the crying it out thing worked for us. I took longest the first night, shorter the second, and shorter the third, but by the 4th night he had it figured out. I put a humidifier on and turned the monitor OFF so I could (try) to sleep. I HATED doing it, but HAD to b/c I did 3 REALLY stupid things that week (and blamed it on sleep deprivation) and knew I needed to at least try. You may just need to come to that breaking point.
At 7:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
sorry that last one was me...hee hee...
At 9:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
If you really want to get a full
night's sleep send oakley by mail,
dog sled ,UPS , air , bus, etc. to me.
Love , Grandpa Bill
At 7:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Are you all doing rice ceral at night? Get the belly good and full. Paige is 8 months and has been sleeping through the night 10 or 11 hours. Also, giving a little formula only at night helped as well. Can't wait to see ya'll
At 9:16 PM,
Katie said…
Cindy- I know that has to be hard. You might try feeding her again around 10ish or right before you guys go to bed to top her off. If the last bottle is formula or if you add rice to the breast milk, it may help her sleep longer too. Not sure if it will help, but it is worth a shot:).
Miss ya- Katie
At 2:41 PM,
Wendi Cupp said…
Cindy! I TOTALLY understand what you are going through! I thought the sleeping through the night thing would never happen for Cole. It's so hard because it not only affects Oaklee's sleep but yours as well. We started the cry it out method when he turned 6 months old and it has really worked for us. We feed him around 6:30 or 7:00, then do our nighttime routine (do you have a routine you do each night?) and he is asleep by 7:30. The first few nights he cried A LOT, but then he figured it out. Then he sleeps until around 10:30 or 11:00 and I feed him again before we go to sleep. He then sleeps pretty much until around 5:30 or 6:00 and i feed him then...he will wake up off and on, fuss a little but i let him cry himself back to sleep. I was so DESPERATE for a good night's sleep that I was REALLY committed to doing it! It may take a few more nights or even a week or two until she figures it out. We had, I think three rough nights and by the fourth we could really tell a difference and the routine was setting in! Babies respond so well to routines and we really try to stick to the EXACT same thing every night! If you end up feeding her before you go to bed, I would really try to let her cry it out when she wakes up next..she may cry less and less each night. You might have a few really rough nights of sleep, but in the long run, it's so worth it. I'm right there with you, cindy...I understand! I'll be praying for you and Jason and little Oaklee that God would bring you all the gift of sleep!!! :) Call or email if you have any questions or need to talk! Hugs to you!! Wendi
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