World View

A view to those out in the world into our life.

Friday, August 26, 2005

If you like Nora Jones....

check out this guy.

Awesome show in Fayetteville tonight. I highly recommend him if you ever get the chance to see him live. I bet he will soon be "too big" to come back to little ol' Arkansas in the future, seeing as he is playing in some large cities and he has been touring with Nora Jones this past year.


  • At 4:50 PM, Blogger Jaime said…

    increíble. gracias, jdl, por the sweet-daddy seats. his voice is simply amazing. sounds exactly like the CD. i've had jason imitate him all day.

  • At 8:48 PM, Blogger David said…

    Yeah, I'm liking Amos. I wanted to go to his show at the WAC but couldn't make it. Did you go Jason?


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