World View

A view to those out in the world into our life.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Doors Off!

That is how we flew yesterday on our tour of Kauai in a helicopter. Yesterday (Sat. April 1) was our last full day in Kauai. It was a beautiful sunny day with great snorkeling, an awesome helicopter ride with no doors that really was "doors off" experience (ask Grant what this means). One of the coolest experiences n the helicopter ride was landing at a private waterfall and getting to swim and eat lunch. This waterfall was just a few hundred yards away from the field that they filmed the opening scenes of Jurassic Park. I am not sure where all the dinosaurs were hiding, though? We enjoyed this flight with Bill and Carol from Oregon. The helicopter ride was followed by a magnificant sunset at Salt Pond Beach Park. We ate a wonderful meal at theLemongrass Grill, which was very good.

We won't be able to post any pictures until we convert them from RAW to JPEG format, hopefully that will happen soon. We have really enjoyed our time in Kauai at Hanalei Colony Resort. It is a beautiful place with extremely friendly staff. I HIGHLY recommend it.

Leaving, on jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again.....But we will, Lord willing.


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