(l.to.r)- LD, kitch, megs, me, jules, VA, linds, & zanne. thank you for being the most incredible friends in the world. you all radiate His beauty more than you'll ever know. i'm going to send this pic into InStyle magazine b/c you are so H-O-T!!! if any boys looking at this pic want these girls' phone numbers, just let me know! :-) ha ha. love y'all.
At 9:04 AM,
Jules said…
I mean seriously. Can there be a better picture? Cindy K you are stunning in the photographs. Thanks for sharing!
At 10:24 AM,
Cindy Lofton said…
thanks jb! they're fun. miss you! let's talk soon- c
At 5:39 PM,
Polly said…
cindy-lou!! what a fun blog! it's my first time to visit, and i love "seeing" you guys again. i am just getting into this whole blog thing. i have one now! pedacus.blogspot.com there are pix of eric and i and all the things we are doing in utah these days. your wedding pix were amazing- you look beautiful, absolutely beautiful! can't wait to hear your voice next....
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