The Wedding Pics Are In!
OK, so the wedding pics are finally in. Cindy and I have been extremely busy the past two weeks with not much time to blog, so for all of you that have been anxiously waiting (probably just Kay and Marsha) the next blog with wedding pics, I am posting a link here for Brook's pictures. Click here for the website. If that doesn't work, let me know. I will try to get honeymoon pics up this weekend.
We are still working on getting everything put away in the house. Thanks to Chuck and Kay, we now have at least room we can live in. We are hoping to get more done this weekend. I should have taken some pics to show what it looked like last week with all the gifts and Cindy's stuff piled on the floor.
If you want to read a funny recap of some of the events from the wedding day, check out Lafe's blog. WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! Cindy almost peed in her pants reading this. Make sure to empty your bladder if it is small.
More to come later.
We are still working on getting everything put away in the house. Thanks to Chuck and Kay, we now have at least room we can live in. We are hoping to get more done this weekend. I should have taken some pics to show what it looked like last week with all the gifts and Cindy's stuff piled on the floor.
If you want to read a funny recap of some of the events from the wedding day, check out Lafe's blog. WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! Cindy almost peed in her pants reading this. Make sure to empty your bladder if it is small.
More to come later.
At 10:41 AM,
Sonya said…
Beautiful pictures! What a wonderful collection. Wish I could have gotten one with Cindy at some point during the night, but I know she was a woman in high demand!
At 11:18 AM,
Cindy Lofton said…
me too, sonya! maybe someone else got a pic of us. if not, we can crop the rest of the fam out of one pic, so it'll just be you & i. :-) love you!!! great to talk to you last night.
At 1:45 PM,
Sonya said…
O.K. Which one of my FAMILY members spelled my name wrong on the sidebar? If it's Jason I'll forgive him since we've not even been related for a full month yet, but Cindy gets no slack.
At 1:54 PM,
Sonya said…
Alright, so of course I tried the new link to my blog site (even though someone spelled my name wrong) and it won't connect. Whoever put the link on put two "http" parts in it, so it won't connect properly. I'm not going to name any names (Jason), but I'm sure it wasn't intentional (Jason). :)
At 7:24 PM,
jlo said…
I don't know what you are talking about? I checked both the spelling of your name and the link and I spelled it correctly, Sonya, and the link works correctly. Hope to see you soon.
At 10:37 AM,
Sonya said…
Thank you so much Jason. As usual, I am probably just imagining things again. You know I like to cause chaos.
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