World View

A view to those out in the world into our life.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Work of Community


Yesterday I had some friends come over and help live out the true meaning of community. I had a "demolition" project to do in th front yard, part of which is pictured above. Thanks to Nathan, Dave, Ricky, and Eli, about 8-12 hours worth of work by myself was done in about 2 hours. Thanks guys for helping me out in this.

I thought it was funny when Nathan said, "I am glad you had the courage to ask us for help." It made me think about how we as believers are called to "love one another" but yet are still afraid a lot of times ask for help/admit our faults. What Nathan said says to me that the perception amongst most believers is that we can't ask for help.

I hope that if you need help, you will let you "community" know. I was blessed yesterday by these guys, but only because I expressed a need. Again, Thanks guys.

And I hope Cindy and I can do a better job of keeping our blog up to date.
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