World View

A view to those out in the world into our life.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Latest Lofton Lowdown

I thought it was time for a little update for those of you who have been concerned that there haven't been any new posts lately. Hopefully you haven't lost any sleep over the fact. So here it is...the latest on the Lofton' no particular order:

*Oaklee officially loves the lake & riding in boats, as evidenced below. She and her buddy Paige had a BALL last weekend on Beaver Lake, as shown in the 2nd picture. All smiles!


*Jason attempted a 360 while wakesurfing and succeeded! (the 1st time ever, but never did it again the rest of the was definitely an accomplishment for him, be it ever so fleeting) Way to go, stud!

Our friend Katie ALMOST landed her flip while wakeboarding. Here's a cool pic of her mid-air. She has no fear whatsoever. I think she's even smiling in this picture! She's crazy.
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This is perhaps the 3rd time that Oaklee has fallen asleep in my arms. She is not much of a cuddler b/c she can't stand not knowing what's going on around her, but she pooped out after a few hours at the lake. I was more than happy to hold her. :-)


Other news:
*I am now HALFWAY through my pregnancy. Yikes! But a good yikes, of course. From the first ultrasound a few weeks ago, it looked to be a probable girl!
*Jason has a secret passion for pickle juice. I have caught him multiple times in the past week drinking the juice right out of the jar. Call it sympathy pregnancy cravings? I don't know, but the sight of it made me want to gag.
*My latest cravings= chocolate covered cherries, Honey-O's cereal (even though NO place in DQ carries the darn thing), vanilla lattes, toasted peanut butter sandwiches, & veggie bagel sandwiches. NOW we're talking.
*Oaklee is cutting like 3-4 more teeth right now, which translates to rough nights for mom.
*We are now a proud aunt & uncle of our 3rd nephew, Griffin Kelley. He was born yesterday in Fayetteville, and we are going to meet him this weekend. Yea!!!

Well, folks, that's all for now! Signing out from Deeeeee Qween.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Oaklee waving

Oaklee has learned to sign "more" now and uses it frequently to tell us she wants "more food". She also has a really cute wave I finally caught on video. More to come soon.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Oaklee Clapping

Here is a video of Oaklee clapping. She just learned last week. She has also learned to wave which you can get a quick one second glimpse of here, but we can't seem to get her to wave when we have the camera rolling.

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Thursday, August 07, 2008

Colorado slideshow, enjoy!

Rocky Mountain highs & lows:
*High- Oaklee not crying on the flight & trying to flirt with everyone sitting around
*High- staying with the English's in Denver 2 nights= incredible cinnamon rolls, egg
casserole & coffee. I love breakfast! Their hospitality was top-notch.
*High- eating at Panera for lunch on our way to the cabin. Heaven! (for cindy, jason wasn't as excited as I was)
*Low- having a stinking altitude headache for at least 2 days. They are not fun!
*High- seeing my friend Brooke at the ranch she works at. I haven't seen her since my wedding! (but I had a headache the whole time we were there, too)
*Low- being in an exclusive fly-fishing community & not getting to fly fish! (only b/c we need more lessons, and there was no one to keep oaklee)
*High- finally finishing Pride & Prejudice (in novel form) and loving every minute of
it. I've seen the movie probably close to 100x's, but never read the book.
*High- riding 4 wheelers around the property. This was probably my favorite activity.
*Low- seeing all the fire damage to the trees from the Hayman fire. It was really sad to see! Plus it came REALLY close to our cabin.
*High- naps every day for all 3 of us= divine.
*High- beating Jason at Scrabble.
*Low- losing to Jason at Scrabble.
*High- seeing several gorgeous sunsets from our porch each night.
*High- true peace & quiet. No phone, no TV, no internet. Just the sound of the river
& the wind. It was awesome.
*Low- coming back to a literal mountain of paperwork for Jason. He's having a heck of a time catching up this week.
*High- uninterrupted time for the 3 of us to hang out. It was some sweet time

Sunday, August 03, 2008

back from the mountains

We are back from our long-anticipated vacation to Colorado! We got back last night, and are too tired to post anything except one pic tonight. It was so refreshing, though. Specifically the fact that there was no humidity. That in itself was delightful. We'll post pics soon!
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