Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Friday, May 18, 2007
Pray for Oaxaca
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
We think it's...A GIRL!

So here's a pic from our 1st ultrasound today. (the profile of the head is on the left, for those of you like me w/ an untrained ultrasound eye) Pretty crazy, huh? I think of Psalm 139 every time I look at an ultrasound picture, esp. now that it's our own. We are 90% sure it's a girl. There was no hard evidence that it was a boy, so the nurse said if she was a betting woman, she would bet on it being a girl. I don't know when we'll have another ultrasound to make sure, but for now, we're assuming it's a female. It's funny b/c both Jason, his mom, and grandma had a gut feeling it was a girl. And about 3 weeks ago, I had a dream that it was a girl. So that kind of makes it more certain in our minds, too. (although i'm sad that i won't be able to use my nephews' hand-me-downs)
Now... let the games begin. For anyone who can guess the name of this little dear, we will reward you with a $50 prize. (but we will keep the name a secret until she's in the world) :-) Best of luck!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
More Free Ice Cream
Labels: Free, Haagen Dazs
Happy Mothers Day
Ode to our Mamas
On this very special day
we just wanted to say
how much we love
Marsha & Kay
They are generous & kind
willing to help if we're in a bind
like painting walls & keeping puppies
and have cooking skills that will blow your mind
We appreciate all of your love & care
the time you spent taking us here & there
the tireless hours you invested in our lives
what you've done is no small affair
Ode to how we love our moms
Marsha & Kay- you are the bomb
with all the cheering you've done for us,
we ought to get you your own pom-poms.
The end.
Happy Mother's Day! Gifts to come later. :-)
Saturday, May 12, 2007
American Idol - Melinda Doolittle-There will come a day
For those of you who haven't been watching American Idol this season, we think you should these last 3 weeks, esp. after watching this video. This girl, Melinda Doolittle, is by far our favorite. She was roommates with our friend, Sarah McGooden, in college, and is a very strong believer, really involved with StuMo, and after watching her on this show, she gives me hope that God is working in Hollywood. This song was from a few weeks ago, but it still gives me goosebumps b/c it became worship for her and any believer watching, not just entertainment. Enjoy. :-) (And vote for her! We finally voted for the first time last week. She's got to win!)
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Ethan needs your help
1) Pray
2) Go to a Bone Marrow Drive - All it is is a cheek swab. There is one in Bentonville this SATURDAY and Fayetteville this Sunday. Go to the above link for more locations. Through this week and next there are drives all over Arkansas and in NC, SC, TX, TN, AL, CA, IL, NE, LA, MD, AZ. This will also put you on the national registry.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
An illegal immigrant's story
Labels: Doctor, Illegal, Immigration, Mexico
Saturday, May 05, 2007
We are parents!
No, I didn't deliver 5 months early. Suzie had HER babies this morning! 12 in all. Jason's dad woke us up at 6a to tell us she'd already had 6, so we raced down there to see for ourselves. I tell you, it felt like Christmas morning! So then over the next 4 hours, she had 6 more pups, none of which we actually witnessed the delivery. Other than looking a tad bit fatigued and sweaty, she is doing good and is a really good mama. I asked her if she had any tips for me, but all she did was just give me "the look." :-) So I'm not going to ask any more questions. I'm just thankful it's not even possible for me to have 12 at once. God was wise in limiting us humans in what we can handle.
so more pics to come! We'll be here in DeQueen for another week, and are leaving Suzie and her puppies w/ Jason's parents until we get back from Mexico on the 26th, then we'll bring them back to Fayetteville to start selling them. If anyone wants first dibs, let us know! they are going to be soooo cute. We think there might be 2 white golden retrievers in the litter, which are really rare and sell for a much higher price. We can't quite tell yet. Anyway, it's been a fun day!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
31 cent Baskin Robins tonight
Too bad there is not one in DeQueen