Friday, November 26, 2004
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Profiles: Meelah
I thought it would be fun to "profile" a bunch of my friends by posting their picture on the blog and then talking about them, in a good way of course. I don't really know what made me think of doing this, I just thought it would be fun. Then others could pitch in on the profile of these people.
I start with Jason G Miller, or Meelah as he is known in other cirlces. (see pic below I start with Jason b/c I like this picture so much. It makes me think of Rhinestone Cowboy for some reason. The pic was shot somewhere between Springdale and Siloam on the way to Tulsa for a flight to Mexico. I think the year was 2000.
Miller and I go way back. Roommate for two years, co-trainer of the Infamous Snoop Dog, of whom I will have to post a profile.
Funniest Memory of Miller:
Having Rhett and Ryan hide in his closet and scaring him one night. We tried to scare Jason a lot for some reason.
What Jason is most well known for:
Outside of snagging Jaime, his numb chuck skills. Where do you think they got that from on Napolean Dynomite? Seriously, Jason can play two instruments really well. His Gibson and his Halo Controller. Watch out on the new H2 if you are opposite him.
What Jason will be best known for in the future? He will buy Cloudland from Tim and take over for him. I will visit frequently, just to make sure everyone is healthy.
How many chilen' will Jason and Jaime have?
This is probably up for debate. Jason thinks it will be a while, but I saw the way Jaime was holding that baby the other day...she had the "look" in her eye. I saw they will have 4 kids, one who will turn out to be a professional golfer.
Jason's favorite food:
Deer stew. He says he doesn't like it, but I cooked it one time and he ate it unsuspectingly and said it was the best thing he had ever had.
Best meal Jason cooked for us while living as roommates: Baked Potato. He can cook one mean microwave baked potato.
Jason's favorite vehicle:
Not sure on this one. I think one of the all around types, such as a Nissan Xterra.
Feel free to add to Jason's profile as you see fit. Jason is one cool guy. He does an amazing job at leading worship for us at the Grove. He is an awesome golfer as well, at least according to Pat. The type of guy you want to have living next door and not on the opposite Halo team.
I start with Jason G Miller, or Meelah as he is known in other cirlces. (see pic below I start with Jason b/c I like this picture so much. It makes me think of Rhinestone Cowboy for some reason. The pic was shot somewhere between Springdale and Siloam on the way to Tulsa for a flight to Mexico. I think the year was 2000.
Miller and I go way back. Roommate for two years, co-trainer of the Infamous Snoop Dog, of whom I will have to post a profile.
Funniest Memory of Miller:
Having Rhett and Ryan hide in his closet and scaring him one night. We tried to scare Jason a lot for some reason.
What Jason is most well known for:
Outside of snagging Jaime, his numb chuck skills. Where do you think they got that from on Napolean Dynomite? Seriously, Jason can play two instruments really well. His Gibson and his Halo Controller. Watch out on the new H2 if you are opposite him.
What Jason will be best known for in the future? He will buy Cloudland from Tim and take over for him. I will visit frequently, just to make sure everyone is healthy.
How many chilen' will Jason and Jaime have?
This is probably up for debate. Jason thinks it will be a while, but I saw the way Jaime was holding that baby the other day...she had the "look" in her eye. I saw they will have 4 kids, one who will turn out to be a professional golfer.
Jason's favorite food:
Deer stew. He says he doesn't like it, but I cooked it one time and he ate it unsuspectingly and said it was the best thing he had ever had.
Best meal Jason cooked for us while living as roommates: Baked Potato. He can cook one mean microwave baked potato.
Jason's favorite vehicle:
Not sure on this one. I think one of the all around types, such as a Nissan Xterra.
Feel free to add to Jason's profile as you see fit. Jason is one cool guy. He does an amazing job at leading worship for us at the Grove. He is an awesome golfer as well, at least according to Pat. The type of guy you want to have living next door and not on the opposite Halo team.
Monday, November 22, 2004
Friday, November 19, 2004
I first played this game at Camp Ozark ( I had not played in a LONG time until I went camping a few weeks ago. It all started on the ride over to the Buffalo with Pollie and Eric. We had so much fun that the game carried over into the night around the campfire with Chris, Katie, Virginia and Andrew, Mark and Amity, and Brian. It is a really fun and good way to get to know others.
21, or the question game, involves a group of people, preferably two or more, counting off in succession until someone gets to "21". One person starts off by counting, saying one or two numbers. Each person in turn then counts off, either saying one or two of the next numbers. For example, if Cindy was to start counting, she would say "one", then I might say "two, three", then the next person might say "four", or they could say "four, five" and so on until some gets to "twenty one". You can actually set people up to be asked a question if you are on top of the game.
My purpose in writing a post about this is to see if I can get people to come up with good "game questions". Some questions in the game are very clever and I am wanting to write a book on good questions to ask people. Well, maybe not write a book but at least start a post where you can submit your best "21" questions.
I will post a pic later today.
21, or the question game, involves a group of people, preferably two or more, counting off in succession until someone gets to "21". One person starts off by counting, saying one or two numbers. Each person in turn then counts off, either saying one or two of the next numbers. For example, if Cindy was to start counting, she would say "one", then I might say "two, three", then the next person might say "four", or they could say "four, five" and so on until some gets to "twenty one". You can actually set people up to be asked a question if you are on top of the game.
My purpose in writing a post about this is to see if I can get people to come up with good "game questions". Some questions in the game are very clever and I am wanting to write a book on good questions to ask people. Well, maybe not write a book but at least start a post where you can submit your best "21" questions.
I will post a pic later today.
Saturday, November 13, 2004
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Monday, November 08, 2004

Sunset this evening....this really does not even do it justice. I was on the road for the best part....stuck in traffic, frustrated b/c I couldn't be home taking pics when I should have just been enjoying a relaxing view. I did enjoy it, really, I just wanted to be capturing the beauty of the evening.
Saturday, November 06, 2004
Friday, November 05, 2004
Meet the Parents
My parents came up today along with my aunt and uncle Kay and Roger Holley. This is the first time Kay and Roger have been to NWA in many years and things have changed a lot. This was the first time Cindy got to meet my parents, Ronnie and Marsha, as well as the rest of my Lofton family. She got to meet Mamaw and Papaw a couple of weeks ago.
It was a good evening. We went over to PK and Lin's house and then went to eat at the Venetian Inn, one of my favorite Italian food places up here. After that, we went back to PK and Lin's house for some Italian Cream Cake my Nanney sent up. And we got to play with Avery, our niece-dog.
Things went well. Nothing like in the movie Meet the Parents thank the Lord. Speaking of, I have been much anticipating the sequal Meet The Fockers. There is a new trailer out which you can find here:
I have watched it and it is much better than the previous trailer that was put out. Unless I am mistaken, you can mark your calenders for Dec. 22.
It was a good evening. We went over to PK and Lin's house and then went to eat at the Venetian Inn, one of my favorite Italian food places up here. After that, we went back to PK and Lin's house for some Italian Cream Cake my Nanney sent up. And we got to play with Avery, our niece-dog.
Things went well. Nothing like in the movie Meet the Parents thank the Lord. Speaking of, I have been much anticipating the sequal Meet The Fockers. There is a new trailer out which you can find here:
I have watched it and it is much better than the previous trailer that was put out. Unless I am mistaken, you can mark your calenders for Dec. 22.
Thursday, November 04, 2004

Beach and Waves
Location: Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca, Mexico
The picture brings back warm memories as the season is growing colder. I like this time of year though. I was jogging yesterday evening when I caught the scent of wood being burned in someones fireplace. I thought to myself, "why don't we smell that all through the winter?" I seem to only recognize it during the first few cold days of the fall and then it is gone.
I am reading "the Practice of the Presence of God" by Brother Lawrence and wanted to share a little something from this mornings reading:
"We must, Brother Lawrence remarked, trust in God and surrender comlpletely to Him. He will not deceive us. Never tire of doing even the smallest things for Him, because He isn't impressed so much with the dimensions of our work as with the love in which it is done. And we should not be discouraged if we fail in the beginning. The practice would eventually cause our efforts to become a pleasurable habit that we would do without thinking."
I have to go to work. I hope that all I do in my job would "become a pleasurable habit that we would do without thinking."
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Hand and Foot
We played Hand and Foot tonight at my house. We means Cindy, who I will talk much more about later, Virginia and Andrew, and Mandy and Jordan. We played "team" hand and foot, which was not the way I originally learned to play, but it was still a lot of fun. Especially since we, The Guys, won. Well, at least we are ahead for now: Master Chiefs-8540 vs Fair Maidens 7950. This is to help us remember the score next time.
I must thank David and Anna Myers for teaching me this fun game. Their house rules are a little different, but still a lot of fun. I miss David and Anna. I hope to get to see him some time next year, maybe at a conference together.
If any of you UAMS guys or ladies are reading, I miss all of you. I got to see Matt and Nana Sellers last weekend. It was good to get to see them. We went to eat at my favorite Mexican restaurant in town, La Huerta's. That is a weekly occurance. I will get to see Poon in a few weeks. When will the rest of us ever get together again? We must start planning a vacation together. Look forward to hearing from some of you.
I have to be at work a little extra early in the morning so I must get in bed.
Thougt for the day:
Matthew 9:29
"According to your faith it will be done to you"
It is all about faith and not what we do.
I must thank David and Anna Myers for teaching me this fun game. Their house rules are a little different, but still a lot of fun. I miss David and Anna. I hope to get to see him some time next year, maybe at a conference together.
If any of you UAMS guys or ladies are reading, I miss all of you. I got to see Matt and Nana Sellers last weekend. It was good to get to see them. We went to eat at my favorite Mexican restaurant in town, La Huerta's. That is a weekly occurance. I will get to see Poon in a few weeks. When will the rest of us ever get together again? We must start planning a vacation together. Look forward to hearing from some of you.
I have to be at work a little extra early in the morning so I must get in bed.
Thougt for the day:
Matthew 9:29
"According to your faith it will be done to you"
It is all about faith and not what we do.